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Unlock Your Potential with Coach Henry Mercadel's Guidance

Henry’s basketball accomplishments include:
- 1994 Riverside Ca #1 Ranked Point Guard
- 1994 Nominee Mcdonalds All American
- San Bernardino Valley College
- 1996 First Team All Conference
- 1997 First Team All Conference
- Played 2 Years At Cal State Eastbay
- Physical Ed Major

For the past 16 years, Founder and President Henry Mercadel has used the game of basketball to positively impact kids' lives through his coaching at the Mercadel Basketball Academy in Orange County. He has helped players develop their fundamentals in basketball and life, increasing academic and athletic achievements, self-esteem, confidence, and positive belief. Creating a positive thinking youth community, which have emerged to be the future leaders of our world.
Mercadel Basketball is recognized as a non-profit public charity under section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue service.
As a child, Henry suffered from a stuttering disorder, when reading aloud in school. He was teased and ridiculed by his classmates – a constant obstacle deflating his self-esteem and self-confidence. Through dedication and hard work, he used his excellence in basketball to regain his confidence to later become one of the top high school point guards in Riverside County.
After college, Coach Henry Mercadel immediately gave back to his community and volunteered his time at Olive Crest Academy, which is dedicated to creating a learning environment that helps and empowers kids to develop self-sufficiency and a sense of pride in their academic success.
Henry tutored the toughest cases and worked in the locked facility for 3 years with Level 14 Kids, those that were a threat to themselves and others.
At a young age, this is where Henry Mercadel found his purpose and discovered how his personal life experiences meeting the challenges of a stuttering disorder and his basketball skills were the foundation of his life calling to:
Help Kids Use Life's Lemons To Make A Lemonade Life
It was never easy, but now as an accomplished minority business owner who has risen above diversity, Coach Henry Mercadel is using his unique background, perspective, and talent to help inner-city kids in Rancho Santa Margarita become better students of the game of basketball and better students in the classroom.
As one parent said, "Henry has been instrumental in teaching 1000's of children basketball skills and values. He reaches each child's individual needs, he knows exactly how to talk to the kids, encourage them and challenge them all at the same time."
Mercadel Basketball Academy Today
Under the leadership of Coach Henry Mercadel, the Mercadel Basketball Academy continually reaches and touches kids with:
- Over 500 Students Involved In Mercadel Basketball Training
- 500 Clinics A Year
- Host 12 Tournaments A Year
- Host 6 Camps Per Year
Coach Henry Mercadel's basketball training programs in Orange County and Rancho Santa Margarita receive daily calls communicating a need for his services throughout CA and the U.S. But facility demands are difficult, so through the collaboration and help of many, the Mercadel Basketball Academy will be expanding in 2012 to seven training facilities:
- Rancho Santa Margarita-honda/mercadel Training Center (Original)
- Laguna Hills, Ca-(Original)
- Buena Park Ca-starting March 2012
- Norwalk Ca-starting March 2012
- Moreno Vally Ca-starting Sept 2012
- San Diego Ca-starting Sept 2012
- Albany Ga-starting May 2012
Coach Henry Mercadel has been blessed to have made friendships and work with many outstanding people throughout his life. A complete list is available upon request, but to mention a few who have truly assisted and have helped in this journey are:
- Pat Englebret – NBA Scout Africa
- Quincy Brewer – Head Coach San Bernardino College
- Jason Wright – New Orleans / JW Basketball
- Derrick Deese – San Francisco 49ERS – SUPER BOWL XXIX CHAMPS
- Andre Merrit – Song Writer / Artist – GRAMMY AWARD WINNER 2012
Some notable college players that Coach Henry Mercadel has trained and helped get college scholarships are:
- Cin Lister – BOISE STATE
- Blake Arnett – UCLA
- Lauren Englen – UCONN
- Tamara Pena – MIT
- Jasmine Lister – VANDERBILT
- Cebrina Johnson – CAL STATE
Coach Mercadel has helped close to 100 players reach their dreams to play at the next level in college with scholarship assistance.
The Henry Mercadel has collaborated and partnered with numerous organizations to continue his mission to include the:
Coach Mercadel in Action
Mercadel's Future
Coach Henry Mercadel and the Henry Mercadel Basketball Academy look to continue their journey of positively impacting kids' lives through basketball training in Orange County and Rancho Santa Margarita.
The mission of Coach Henry Mercadel's basketball training programs is simple: Reach as many kids through the love of basketball to help them move forward and understand the importance of reading to achieve, hard work, and dedication – with an emphasis on reading. The goal is to expose kids to the benefits and enjoyment of reading.
The plans are for continual growth with more Henry Mercadel Basketball Academy training facilities wherever the need arises and facilities can be utilized.
The 20-20 Project will spearhead these efforts with exposure of Coach Mercadel and his team's efforts. With talk of 40-40, 60-60, and 80-80 projects.
For Coach Henry Mercadel, this is not a one-time shot but only the beginning of a needed journey. You will hear him say in conversation, "We can't let these kids down; they need us."
On the wall in the Henry Mercadel Basketball Academy Training Center, it states:
It's More Than Basketball
For Coach Mercadel, it truly is!